No Justice In the Judicial System

No justice in the Judicial System

The Kalief Browder Story

Kalief Browder (May 25, 1993 – June 6, 2015) was a young African American man who was arrested at the age of 16 for allegedly stealing a backpack. 

What Is Justice??
<h1>Based on a definition given by Justice is the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness. It means to uphold the justice of a cause. Other synonyms that closely relate to the word justice are:

 fairness, justness, Fairplay, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartialityobjectivityneutrality, disinterestedness, honesty,  righteousness, morals, morality.”<h2>

Yet, the dehumanizing treatment of Kalief Browder depicts a different meaning to the word. An article was written in Spin, by Winston Cook-Wilson, “conveys the horrifying story revealed how the mistreatment of one black New York City teenager could speak to the staggering systemic failures of American law enforcement.” Browder was placed in Rakers Island Jail for nearly 3 years, waiting for a trial, concerning a stolen backpack. While waiting for a trial, on a bogus possible charge, he was placed in solitary confinement, beaten, starved, and left for dead.

<h2>Eventually, his charges were dismissed, but by this time, Browder had experienced the most horrible, inhumane, injustice that our justice system could dish out. To protect and serve was now to hurt and control. A woman by the name of Julie Nason, said it best; "the system isn't broken, as many would say, but the massive incarceration numbers is a form of social and economic control;" meaning your colored loved ones are being thrown in jail on purpose to keep control of the population. Many are falsely accused, like this situation HERE where 3 young black men are incarcerated because 1 person puts them at a crime scene in a bogus story even though multiple witnesses reveal they weren’t there.<h2>

Knowing this agenda, we must look past the now and aim toward the future. What will happen when this plan of incarcerated population control no longer works: the jails are too full and the cost to maintain them becomes too high. Another plan could emerge that would allow whatever methods necessary for the reduction of colored people, primarily colored men. It's time to wake up to the fact that there is no justice in the judicial system, only strategies to keep a specific population under control. 

Nason, in her interview with MSNBC also reveals that “stop and frisk were rampant during the time of Kalif’s arrest, and surprisingly, 700,000 people in New York were stopped. The vast majority of those who were “stopped & frisked” were either African American or Hispanic; only 9% of them were white. 

Watch This Video To Learn More

Regardless of these staggering statistics, it’s important to know that there are good people in every race, so this isn't an attack against white people. In fact, many white people were moved by the injustice of slavery and became a big part of the solution. Harriet Jacobs, who was a slave in  EdentonNorth Carolina. In her autobiography, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Jacobs compels the enabled pens of the North to use their power to effect change for the enslaved in the South. Every white person isn't a part of the master plan to scale down the colored population. However, the judicial system is not aimed for justice and is the epitome of population control. 

Often times we talk about the problem, but rarely provide any solutions as to how we can rise out of this master plan of modern day slavery and control. In theory, we philosophize about what could be done. It's almost as if we detach ourselves from reality monetarily of what’s really going on, and we step into this “dream world” where the justice system and colored folks are headed towards a solution that will make amends of the fragments shattered by lack of equality and injustice. While in reality, no progress is being made that truly effects real change. Condemning solitary confinement for youth doesn't change the fact that youth from races of color are being falsely accused, overly sentenced, and harassed by law enforcement, because of the color of their skin. 

Although, many police are truly out to do their jobs there are way too many who are a part of the agenda to break-down an entire race of people through a system called justice. To call the "strategy for economic control" the justice system parallels giving a friend poison to drink and telling them it's okay to drink it because you're their friend. In essence, we are conditioned to believe that it's okay for millions of colored (African American, Hispanic ext.) boys and men to be imprisoned, many of them wrongfully placed behind bars, because it's justice. Calling it "justice" makes it okay. 

This is the elephant in the room that many people want to avoid. Yet, the extreme injustice faced by colored people today, demands conversation and screams for change! People of all races are beginning to notice the huge number of incarnated African Americans, Hispanics, and so forth. The raw truth is being exposed, and we are left to decide what we are going to do about it.

Watch Part 1: The Elephant In The Room With Pastor Len Ballenger Featuring Craig Lawrence 

Watch Part 2: The Elephant In The Room With Pastor Len Ballenger Featuring Chief Of Police David Alexander lll

Yet, the burden can’t be left to the enabled pens alone to make a difference. We’ve got to rise up as colored people, to what’s going on. We’ve got to be willing to educate our communities on the importance of voting, registering for school, building businesses, and living Godly lives. It’s time for each, individual, colored person to wake up and do their part whatever that may be. It’s time to use your gifts, your talents, and your resources to help your generation. Yes, we need the help of whites and various people who have political power ext. but we must decide to wake up our own people too. 
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: the ideas below are my ideas solely and may not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the featured content holders displayed in this post. 

Some of you are asleep, even now, while you're reading this blog post. You’re dropping chicken grease on your keyboard as you are finding this subject matter a bit entertaining. While others of you can see the severity of the situation, but you’re paralyzed by fear or stagnation as to how we can truly come out of this corner we’ve been backed into.  

It’s scary, I know, and it’s hard to believe that you, alone, can make a difference. However, yes you can, and you must if you don’t want to be greatly affected by this issue within your own family some day. It’s time to take action....Protesting is good, in fact, I'm willing to head up or be a part of a protest in my area (Florida) concerning black/colored lives matter. It does get attention, and it does make heads turn to the fact that we not gone to lie down and take this continual injustice up the (. . .)

Unfortunately, people get violent during protest; they go beyond marching to acting out in rage; when in reality, that doesn’t change anything but rather contributes to more incarceration. Truthfully, real change is a bit more complex and takes some hard work and dedication.

>> First understand who you are: knowing your heritage isn't being prejudiced; it just knowing the truth. It empowers you to have some knowledge of your history beyond the transatlantic slave trade about 400 years ago. Here's some biblical theory that may answer questions concerning colored people in America CLICK HERE if you want to know more about where you may have you may have derived from.

>>Pray: our very first encounter with God as colored people led to a covenant, and I'm sorry I can't give you some cliché knowledge about how we can, in our own power, change our circumstances as a people. The reality is that the word tells us, "If my people which are called by name would humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will they hear from heaven, and I will heal their land." Honestly, this problem isn't going to go away without us turning back to God.  

It's time to stop the twerking, drinking excessively, doing drugs, killing each other, and participating in idol worship but rather submit ourselves to God. We need to be teaching our children the principles of God from babies so that they can grow in Him. CLICK HERE To Join The National Prayer Group For Judicial Change. Click Here for a prayer that you can start praying daily concerning the matter at hand. Click Here for a Transcript of Dr. Cindy Trim's Atomic Power Of Prayer.

>>Get Educated: our kids need to be in school. We should encourage them to spend more time reading and learn while they are young so that they can grow up and become lawyers, doctors, and business people who have both the skill and the finances to make a difference in their generation. We need to shape them into greatness by not giving them too many options as to how they spend their spare time.
They've don't have the luxury of goofing off because they have to be great; their lives depend on it. Sadly, a lot of colored youth aren't in school, because they don't have an adult to sign them up for classes.

Most of our colleges require that students be over 25, declared emaciated, reveal tax returns that can prove they are independent or have a parent or guardian’s income tax documents to enroll them in school. Unfortunately, many of these young adults go to their parents and tell them that they need to go down to the school and register them for classes. Yet, all too often,  the parents don't ever show up, fail to provide tax returns, procrastinate, or claim they don't understand how to fill out the paper work, which leaves the inspired youth to figure it out on their own until they eventually give up on acquiring a higher education. (Perhaps educating parents on how to get their children prepared for college would help)

Also, if you're older and haven't used your Pell Grant assistance, now is the time to use it, because who knows how long programs like this will last. You never get too old to go back to school and get an education that can make you a more productive person. CLICK HERE to fill out Pell Grant for your child or yourself. Also, make an appointment with the college, if necessary, for assistance with filling out the paper work.  Most importantly, don’t give up on the process, because it’s worth it.

Yes, we've had to overcome years of slavery; even though we weren't slaves ourselves. Our ancestors were slaves which set them back on teaching generations of colored people how to be prosperous. However, we’ve got to be willing to read and learn how to develop our minds to create noteworthy ideas that could be of assistance to our people and the world around us for that matter. CLICK HERE for a list of free books & resources to build a wealthier mentality. (Page may take a moment to load because of the massive amount of content; just be patient; you’ll need it for us to turn this thing around anyway.)

>>Prison Reform: we don't need to wait for the system to come up with an idea to reform its population. It's time that prisoners reform themselves. Senior inmates need to make a choice not to beat, rape, and terrorize new inmates, but rather build themselves up, encourage them, and educate those who have a fighting chance of being free in society again. I know you're reading this like, "really;" do you think these inmates give a crap about each other? You probably think I'm selling you a pipe dream, but I'm not. There are some free people in society that could create an inmate program for true prison reform. Yes, it may take a while, but it's possible. If incarcerated individuals could discover the "master plan" they are helping to implement by being violent and hateful towards each other, what would happen? What would happen if they decided to refuse to rape, hurt, and abuse each other? What would happen if they decided to turn to God, education, fitness, and unity instead? What would happen of the started "a prison Gang of sworn peace," in order to defeat the primary purpose that many of them are there?  Now that would be scary right? If they could just discover how much power they'd have if they transformed their behavior behind bars, many of them would be set free. Why? Because if prison became a place of reform than the "master plan" would be of none effect. Some of them are there on their own cognition but others are placed there unfairly, however, regardless of why they are there, they can make a difference and change their experience while being there. 

  • Get a G.E.D
  • Read Books
  • Evoke the hand of God through Prayer
  • Older prisoners build up the younger ones 
  • If they take your books, make your own; if they take your paper, then tell the kind of stories that help change lives
  • Start a (. . .) movement behind bars as we work outside of them
Sounds impossible that's why it's the perfect situation for the God of the impossible. CLICK HERE To Join The National Prayer Group For Judicial Change. As we join together on a national level, watch God transform this impossible monster of the system into possible revision and change, for real justice. 

>> Build Our Own Businesses: Yes, prayer and faith are essential, but the Bible tells us that “as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest.” There are multiple scriptures and parables about money in the Bible. All you have to do is Google them, and read them for yourself. If you don’t have any money, how can you bite the hand that feeds you? Yes, there are a ton of white people on welfare and government programs . . . however, they are not the topic here; we are. Yes, we need to utilize the educational programs ext to our advantage, but there should be a fire burning inside of us to get our own. Whatever you specialize in, discover how to utilize that knowledge for an independent business or a business network.

Yes, it’s hard work to start a business, and it requires you to burn the midnight oil, but if you don’t do your part to help build wealth for our people, then you will be a part of the perpetual cycle of issues that we’re currently experiencing, because you’re not contributing to the finances required to help fix them. Ecclesiastes 10:9 reveals that “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.” Make no mistake; the lack of money is the cause of many of the injustice that we experience. Venida Browder, Kalief Browder’s mother, lacked a simple $3,000 that could’ve have saved her son’s life. Why the communities didn’t rally around her and help her raise that money is a mystery. Perhaps, none of them had any money either.

Here’s the thing people, we’ve got to turn off the television and learn how to make money, because I’m a witness $10,000 was life or death for my son, and for him to be completely free; I may have to spend thousands more. I’m raising money for his legal defense and beyond, because I feel that his situation, as many others, can benefit from having the proper legal defense. He inspires me to continue to, work towards, building successful businesses, and to raise money for a foundation set up in his name; not because he was another causality of the system, but because he survived the system, and we can help other people, in similar situations, do the same. Some people only care about their own freedom, but I understand how caring about the freedom of others can boomerang back for a much-needed change for an entire group of people.

CLICK HERE if you’d like to learn how to build your own internet business. Right now, there’s a very affordable open door Here, where you can get a free $800 dollars toward your tuition. This Free money leaves you a very small amount to pay for a skill that could provide you with loads of value. This isn’t a black or white opportunity, although more whites have taken advantage of it, it’s a willing opportunity. Are you willing to do the work to build a thriving business and earn 100% profit from your ideas? If so CLICK HERE, and I’ll see you on the inside. 

In closing, we are on the horizon of a possible change, however, if we want that change to be manifested, we've got to do the work. We must examine our personal lives: how we educate ourselves, how we raise our children, how we walk in obedience to the scriptures, and how we continue to develop our economic value. We can talk, We can walk (march) and we can take massive action to create the change we so desperately need. 

Kaleif Browder is dead over $3,000, although circumstances are different, let's not allow another one to slip through our fingers. CLICK HERE to donate.

Please, share, Google+, and like this post in social media. The more we bring awareness to these issues and unveil, the naked truth that racism is real; it hurts, and it destroys lives. .the more we can make a difference. 

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